System integration is one of the pillars of the 4.0 industry and aims at connecting data of different areas, so that information flows in a quicker and more efficient way.
Based on this principle, the Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores automation network was structured to allow integration among devices (sensors, actuators, controllers) and production management systems.
FCC S.A. has been implementing technologies aiming at making available automated and unified information to the whole company, including convergence between the operating technology and information technology through vertical integration among systems, which allows more agile information to the technical staff and makes easier the decision-making process.
The company makes use of IIoT to connect autonomous devices to industrial applications, providing real-time access to several cloud data and rendering remote management possible.
IIoT on the Operating Assets Management
Throughout the years FCC S.A. is progressively rising its Wi-Fi coverage and automated data acquisition through IIoT technologies in the industrial area. Besides, some of the existing sensors are already in direct communication with the cloud.
Aiming at improving the operating assets management, the company is developing a pilot project for tracking the health of critical assets by means of wireless sensors, allowing real-time data visualization via online dashboard, alert creation via e-mail SMS and reception of monthly reports on trends and causes of the occurrences found.
Moreover, it makes use of software programs that aid in failure diagnosis and improvement in operating reliability.
Big Data
In the latest years, aiming at exploring in a smart way our customers huge record history and volume of operating data to improve the quality of its data banks, the company has incorporated Big Data and Machine Learning tools to the catalysts’ commercial assessment processes. These tools have been of great help to the data bank treatment step, allowing to reduce noise and making it possible mass balance reconciliation. In this way, it is possible to conclude assessments and identify correlations and trends that, in the absence of these techniques many times would not be possible, besides other advantages, such as the calibration of models in process simulation software programs.
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